Headmaster’s blog 18/03/22

18th March 22

As I write this week’s message, our boys are enjoying a busy and rewarding Field Day. Activities range from a geography trip to Stratford for Year 8 to a Science Museum visit for Year 9 to Duke of Edinburgh expeditions for many in Years 10 and 12.

Headmaster’s blog 11/03/22

11th March 22

And so we reach the midway point of this half of our Spring Term. This week, events at School have ranged from our current Year 7 parents’ evening to a Visitor Morning for prospective pupils, and a successful Spring Concert at Hannah House to a well-attended Careers Fair at nearby Queen’s College, London.

Headmaster’s blog 4/3/22

4th March 22

As we move into March, it has been another busy week at Wetherby Senior, with a cycling challenge and love for literature taking place alongside our usual lessons and co-curricular activities.

Headmaster’s blog 25/02/22

25th February 22

I trust all enjoyed a relaxing half-term holiday, spending time with family and friends, and reading the latest edition of The Barometer (available online here).

Headmaster’s blog 11/02/22

21st February 22

And so we reach our half-term break, ending with our charity mufti day and a sea of Trib colours amongst our boys. We have more charity events and challenges to look forward after the break, starting with our Sponsored Spin on Wednesday 2nd March. More details are in our weekly newsletter and those keen to…

Headmaster’s blog 04/02/22

7th February 22

With just one week until our half-term break, I’m delighted to see so many different activities and events taking place or scheduled in our calendar.

Headmaster’s blog 28/01/22

28th January 22

Our Spring Term continues apace, and I was delighted to see some of this week’s academic endeavours and numerus extra-curricular activities reflected in today’s newsletter to all within our School community. While I’m sure our parents will enjoy reading how our current pupils are busy with public speaking, A Level Plus study, cricket and more,…

Headmaster’s blog 21/01/22

21st January 22

Our second week of term has passed smoothly, with Years 11 and 13 completing their mock exams, parents joining our online GCSE Options Evening on Tuesday, and our co-curricular activities now well underway. This means, alongside our usual clubs and sports fixtures, our GCSE Drama pupils were at The Young Vic last night, watching Best…

Headmaster’s blog 14/01/22

17th January 22

Happy New Year! It has been great to be back this week, and so nice to catch up with many of the boys and hear about what a relaxing time they had over the break. As you will know, our new term began with lateral flow tests for all, and I’d like to thank all…

Headmaster’s Blog 17.12.21

17th December 21

At the end of my first term here at Wetherby I already feel very much a part of the school and have had a wonderful time meeting many of you as well as getting to know the boys and the staff. What has been a recurring theme over the term has been the cohesive nature…

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

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100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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