
Leadership opportunities at Wetherby Senior ensure we develop our boys beyond their academic studies, so all contribute positively to society while building valuable skills and experience.

As boys progress through Wetherby Senior, there are many leadership opportunities, from School Council to Middle School Ambassador, culminating in the Sixth Form roles of Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy, and prefect positions.

School Council

For many of our pupils, leadership responsibilities begin by sitting on our School Council.

Our School Council meets regularly and provides a vehicle for pupil voice, plus an opportunity for boys to develop their leadership skills. Each year, one pupil from each tutor group is elected by their classmates to represent their tutor group on our School Council. Our School Council makes important decisions around community service, such as agreeing the charities our School will support through fundraising.

Trib representatives

Alongside our School Council, we have Trib representatives (one from each tutor group) for each of our School’s five Tribs. As a Trib representative, pupils support Trib events and competitions.

In our Sixth Form, all our sixth formers continue to be members of a Trib and take on leadership roles, supporting the younger members and co-ordinating the Trib teams in the various sporting, artistic and intellectual competitions that take place throughout the year.

Middle School Ambassadors

Launched in 2022-23, our Middle School Ambassadors work closely with our School’s prefect team and staff to further improve areas across our Middle School and within our wider Wetherby Senior community.

Our Middle School Ambassadors are appointed following a strong application process. As well as supporting life at our School, these roles allow our boys to further their own leadership skills, develop their communication abilities, and build relationships with peers from across Wetherby Senior.

Year 12 academic mentors

Our Year 12 academic mentors are trained to help younger pupils with different subjects. Working with Heads of Department, each is assigned a younger pupil to support weekly, which could mean helping to boost a pupil’s performance in class, supporting their understanding of their prep, or extending and challenging their learning to a higher level.

Year 12 peer mentors

Our Year 12 peer mentors undertake training to support younger pupils and act as a ‘big brother’ role model. They may meet their mentees regularly or on a more ad-hoc basic. Each peer mentor receives training to ensure they can approach discussions seriously and sensitively, as issues discussed could vary, from school to home life.


Our prefect posts include Head Boy, Deputy Head Boy and prefects, and sixth formers apply during Year 12 for these exciting opportunities to provide leadership, manage teams, and act as role models to younger boys. Responsibilities range from helping with open events to assisting with life across Wetherby Senior.

In recognition of the honour of being a prefect, our sixth formers have access to a Prefect Office at Hannah House, are awarded a prefect tie and different shirt, and can attend our Prefect Dinner at the end of Year 13.

Hear more about life in our Sixth Form from Paul, our Head Boy 2023-24 .

Find out more

See for yourself by registering to join our Open Day or Visitor Mornings.

You can also find out more about Wetherby Senior by looking through our website or following our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Wetherby Senior’s Autumn Term 2023 has been filled with accomplishments and achievements by our amazing School community.

Newsletter Autumn Term Week 5

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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