Life Beyond the Classroom

Within Wetherby Senior’s Sixth Form, we work hard to enrich the education of our sixth formers. with activities and clubs, sport, talks, trips, leadership opportunities and more.

Co-curricular clubs

Our rich co-curricular programme aims to develop confidence, teamwork and leadership skills, while enabling our sixth formers to make friends and enjoy their time in Marylebone.

Within our Sixth Form, you can develop your existing interests or try something completely new! Every Friday afternoon, time is set aside to take part in co-curricular activities, with further opportunities before- and after-school, and over lunch, during the week. To develop leadership and teamwork, most of our sixth formers run their own co-curricular club.

Below are some co-curricular options that remain particularly popular amongst our sixth formers:

The Barometer is our entirely pupil-led magazine, published every half-term, featuring news from our School and the wider world. It provides a fantastic opportunity for any keen writers, journalists, editors, critics, photographers, illustrators or designers, amongst our Sixth Form, to see their work in print.
– Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation in which young people learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations, while building valuable skills like research, public speaking, debating, and writing. Our sixth formers take part in MUN conferences around the UK, working as the representative of a country to solve a problem with other sixth formers from across the UK.
– Young Enterprise involves our sixth formers working to create their own company, gaining valuable business skills and real-life experiences.
– The Duke of Edinburgh Award, a well-respected and world-leading initiative, is popular across Wetherby Senior, with our sixth formers joining at Silver level. The DoE Award is achieved by completing a personal programme of activities in numerous sections – volunteering in the local community, physical, skills, and expedition, and then, for Gold, a residential. It provides an excellent opportunity for our young people to enhance their teamwork, organisation and leadership skills.

Music and drama at Wetherby Senior

Both music and drama remain a vibrant dimension of life within Wetherby Senior’s Sixth Form.

Our Music Department providing tuition in a number of instruments, as well as boasting numerous music ensembles and an active Choir. Concerts and recitals take place every term, enabling our boys to demonstrate their musical talent and gain public performance experience.

Our Drama Department produces three large scale productions a year with many opportunities to get involved, from performing on stage to behind-the-scenes work in set design, lighting and costumes. For example, our Autumn Term production sees boys working with professional set, lighting and costume designers from the West End to put on a show at RADA.

Sport at Wetherby Senior

Sport is timetabled for all year groups at Wetherby Senior, including our sixth formers.

Behind the trademark red doors of our Marylebone Lane building, lies a treasure trove of sporting facilities and equipment. This includes a fully-equipped strength and conditioning suite, a superb spin studio, an excellent boxercise studio, and space for yoga. Our central London location also makes it possible to use nearby state-of-the-art facilities, like Regent’s Park’s and Ealing Trailfinders, which our boys visit several times a week, using equipment and pitches for professional rugby union, rugby league and cricket teams.

Lectures, talks and workshops

Wetherby Senior’s central London home makes it is possible to invite outside speakers to give talks or run workshops, for our sixth formers and for our parents. As part of our plans to support the higher education ambitions of our young people, we run a series of inspiring talks to both sixth formers and parents on applying to study at universities in the UK, as well as across Europe and North America.

Our sixth formers are further inspired by our bi-monthly Monday Lecture Series, where talks are given by eminent guests on a wide range of topics. These lectures introduce fascinating subjects that are of interest to our young people, as well as supporting topics within PSHE, careers and wellbeing.

Trips and visits

Being located in the heart of London means we can easily help our sixth formers to go beyond their A Level subjects by attending workshops or lectures with business leaders, participating in conferences or research programmes at top universities or simply visiting the many museums, galleries, theatres, exhibitions and more to be found across London.

Leadership and community service

Leadership opportunities within our Sixth Form enable our sixth formers to support our School whilst developing important transferable skills (such as public speaking) that are useful in any future career. Our leadership webpage contains more information about these opportunities within our Sixth Form.

We have numerous ways for our sixth formers to contribute positively to society, while taking part in valuable and important volunteering opportunities to help the local community or people across the city. In 2021-22, this included our sixth formers visiting nearby Marylebone Library to help older people learn how to better use digital devices, supporting children’s learning at London primary schools, and hosting an afternoon tea at Marylebone Lane for members of the immediate community.

Find out more

Our Sixth Form prospectus, below, provides more information about life at Wetherby Senior. You can also see for yourself by registering to join our Open Day or Visitor Mornings.

You can also find out more about Wetherby Senior by looking through our website or following our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Wetherby Senior’s Autumn Term 2023 has been filled with accomplishments and achievements by our amazing School community.

Newsletter Autumn Term Week 5

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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