Headmaster’s blog 16/09/22

16th September 22

As a mark of respect for Her Majesty The Queen, our School’s news channels, including our social media accounts, have been quiet this week, meaning today’s newsletter to current parents has slightly fewer stories than usual.

Headmaster’s blog 09/09/22

9th September 22

Our first full week back in Marylebone ends on a sombre note, with news of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. In our full School assembly today, at nearby St Marylebone Parish Church, I talked to boys about how this is an event of national significance and that, just as we come together for…

Top of the class

8th September 22

Wetherby Senior pupil, Dan, was awarded top 9 grades for each of his eleven GCSEs this summer. He is now studying in Wetherby Senior’s Sixth Form.

Baseball bonanza

6th September 22

While many of us may have enjoyed hitting a ball in the park this summer, one Wetherby Senior pupil was representing the UK at a top youth baseball competition.

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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