Headmaster’s blog 06/10/2023

Regular readers of The Telegraph will have seen Wetherby Senior feature this week, with Ms Pheiffer and current Year 9, Manu, interviewed about the success of our recent move to Yondr pouches to store mobile phones during the day. As both Ms Pheiffer and Manu outline eloquently in the article, we are delighted with the roll out of this new initiative and we can already see clear benefits to ensuring our boys are no longer distracted by their phones during the school day.

Aside from this press coverage, our penultimate week before the half-term holiday has included a parents’ evening, participation in a national maths competition and a presidential-style debate in our Drama Studio, alongside our usual lessons, university guidance for older boys (this week saw a visit by representatives from Bocconi University), and co-curricular activities and sports fixtures.

Today our boys enjoyed a non-uniform day, suggested by a group from Year 11, to raise funds to support relief efforts following the disasters in Morocco and Libya. I was delighted when Mr Thornton, our Head of Charity, told me about their suggestion as, at the heart of our School’s approach to charity fundraising, is the belief that our pupils should feel empowered to lead and take the initiative. This enables our boys to suggest charities and organisations that are close to their heart, build key skills as they plan, organise and deliver charity events, and ultimately grow into caring and considerate citizens, ready to make a difference in the twenty-first century.

Our slightly early finish to Friday has enabled everyone to get ready for tomorrow’s busy Open Day. We currently have over 200 prospective families registered to attend, and I look forward to showing our fabulous school to them. Thank you again for your support of this event and I am sure your sons will be brilliant ambassadors for Wetherby Senior.

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

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100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
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Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
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