Headmaster’s blog 22/09/2023

At the start of the week, our prize-giving ceremony took place at St Marylebone Parish Church. This was a wonderful opportunity to mark the achievements of over 100 boys throughout the last academic year. It was lovely to see alumni from our Class of 23, as well as justifiably proud parents from all year groups, in attendance at this highly enjoyable celebration.

As we moved through the week, it was the turn of our youngest pupils to embark on their residential trip, with Year 7 heading to the Isle of Wight. Reports from Ms Nash and the Year 7 team have been very jolly, and it seems all have had a great time on the south coast, enjoying climbing, axe-throwing and more. Do check out our social media accounts for some pictures!

On Thursday, we held a well-attended Visitor Morning for prospective families to see Wetherby Senior in action. As you will know – some of you more recently than others – open events are an excellent way to see if a school is right for your son and this was our first event of the new academic year. As always, feedback from our visitors was very positive, particularly about the conduct of our pupil tour guides who, this time, were sixth formers and members of Year 11.

Indeed, at all our open events, we find prospective families greatly enjoy meeting our current pupils on tours and this experience is also an excellent way for our boys to improve their public speaking skills and confidence, as they show visitors around our School. A reminder that current pupils are expected in Marylebone to support our forthcoming Open Day, on Saturday 7th October.

In addition, registrations to attend next month’s Open Day are rising rapidly. If you have family or friends, with sons currently in Years 5 or 6, considering Wetherby Senior, then please encourage them to register their attendance via our website now, to avoid later disappointment.

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
Good Schools Guide Independent Schools Association