Our Deputy Head Boy: Pastoral

Year 13, Arjun, is Wetherby Senior’s Deputy Head Boy: Pastoral for 2023-24. He joined our School in Year 9 and is studying A Levels in Maths, Further Maths, Biology and Chemistry.

“During my years at Wetherby Senior, I have always appreciated the nurturing and supportive environment of our School. Wetherby Senior has a strong community spirit, thanks to factors such as our fantastic pupil to staff ratio (which means teachers really get to know you as an individual) and our Trib (house) system that ensures you feel part of our community from day one.

“When I think back to joining Wetherby Senior in Year 9, I recall how important it was for me to try new things and get involved in the life of our School. I would definitely tell new pupils to get out of your comfort zone and take part in different co-curricular opportunities. Wetherby Senior offers so many activities and events that enable you to develop different skills and enjoy new experiences. For example, I love being involved in our School’s chess club.

“I’m delighted to be Deputy Head Boy: Pastoral for 2023-24, as I know it will be a rewarding role that enables me to make a big difference to our School community.

“I’m really grateful for the university admissions advice and guidance provided by Wetherby Senior’s Sixth Form team as, this year, I will be applying to study medicine at a number of universities in the UK and across the USA.”

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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