From Marylebone to Madrid

Wetherby Senior pupils and parents have been inspired to consider studying outside the UK – in Spain and the USA – as our university guidance talks started this week.

During their time at Wetherby Senior, both pupils and parents enjoy many opportunities to learn more about university study options, with Sixth Form staff and a wide variety of external speakers providing specialist advice and guidance to enable future academic success.

Mr Hayes, Head of Sixth Form, explains: “As we start this new school year, our first external speakers were representatives from IE Business School, who spoke to pupils earlier this week. Based in Madrid, IE offers a selection of prestigious Bachelors, Masters, PhDs and MBA programmes and has proven popular with Wetherby Senior alumni in recent years. I was delighted that our current pupils got to hear from university staff about applying to and studying at this top-rated institution.”

In addition, parents of Year 12 boys were invited to Marylebone on Tuesday for a twilight session on the US admissions. The process of applying to study in North America differs dramatically to the UK’s UCAS system, so Wetherby Senior provides specialist support to boys interested in studying across the Atlantic, and this talk provided further information to current parents.

Indeed, Wetherby Senior’s strong support and guidance regarding North American admissions has resulted in many alumni joining top US and Canadian universities in recent years. This autumn, seven boys from our Class of 23 started their studies in the USA, including one alumnus at University of Pennsylvania (Ivy League) and three alumni at New York University (including one within the prestigious Stern School of Business).

Mr Hayes added: “We have further talks, workshops and events planned for our sixth formers and their parents this year, which will support higher education ambitions. We are also running a Sixth Form Information Evening on Wednesday 27th September for our current Year 11 parents, so they can hear more about our Sixth Form and speak to Heads of Department about the A Level curriculum.

“During that afternoon, our Year 11 will enjoy A Level taster lessons, before meeting with their individual university advisor for early discussions about academic study beyond our Sixth Form. Parents and their sons are then invited to our evening event, which promises to be a fantastic opportunity to find out more about life in our success and vibrant Sixth Form.”


Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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