Headmaster’s blog 28/04/2023

As we move ever further into exam season, this week saw our Year 12 complete their exams while our Year 11 artists undertook their GCSE Art exams, and I hear good accounts about behaviour and conduct. In just a few weeks, our Year 11, then our Year 13, will be on study leave, and I trust all will continue to use this time wisely in order to give the best account of themselves, and ensure they can meet their future plans, in their own exams.

For the vast majority of Year 13, those future plans include university study and I’m delighted to say that our Class of 23 have secured over 100 offers for top universities across the UK and continental Europe, and more than a dozen offers for prestigious North American colleges. This includes offers for 21 of the 24 Russell Group universities (the UK-based collection of world-class, research-intensive institutions), three offers for IE Business School (a world-renowned college in Madrid), and world-famous colleges across North America like Pennsylvania (an Ivy League institution), NYU Stern School of Business, and McGill in Canada.

You can read more about the success of our Class of 23, here. However, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 13 on their hard work and commitment, which has resulted in such excellent results. Of course, our sixth formers have not been living in a vacuum so praise must also go to their supportive families and to our brilliant Sixth Form staff, whose advice and guidance means our Class of 23 will now join Wetherby Senior alumni at these world-class institutions.

Finally, moving from outgoing boys to incoming ones – as you will know, we are holding an Open Evening on Wednesday 3rd May for prospective families to find out more about life at Wetherby Senior. As parents who have been through the process of choosing a secondary school yourselves – some more recently than others – I’m sure you can appreciate how important it is that we hold such events, and the increased popularity of Wetherby Senior means that we have added this Open Evening to our calendar.

As always, the best ambassadors for our School are our pupils. This means (with the exception of Year 11 and those in Year 13 who are not prefects) our boys are expected to stay in Marylebone for our Open Evening and will have been given important tasks, from representing a particular department to taking prospective families on a tour of our School. A reminder that boys are expected to be in full school uniform on that day and they will be provided with a light supper. We already have over 100 families booked to attend, so it should provide our current pupils with a fantastic opportunity to build their confidence and public speaking skills. At previous open events, we have always received excellent feedback about our pupils, and I’m sure next Wednesday will be no different.

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

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100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
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Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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