Headmaster’s blog 17/03/2023

British Science Week 2023 saw multiple events take place in Marylebone, which included a group of our younger pupils working with Year 5 boys from Hill House School, as they visited Wetherby Senior and made good use of our Science Department. In addition, Pi Day on Tuesday saw our Maths Department co-ordinate a number of activities that were enjoyed by all during tutor time, and I’d like to thank both our Science and Maths Departments for marking these dates with fun opportunities for our young people to expand their knowledge beyond the classroom.

Staying with co-curricular activities, I’m delighted to announce that tickets for Trib Drama are now on sale via ParentPay. Taking place on Monday 27th and Thursday 30th March, in our Drama Studio, Cockroaches is an entirely pupil-led production, with each Trib having selected their own director, assistant director and actors, so our boys further develop their dramatic skills, on- and off-stage. A reminder that our Trib Drama productions always sell out, so please purchase tickets now to avoid later disappointment.

Tonight sees our Friday Nights Light fixture at Ealing Trailfinders, with our First XI football team taking on Ibstock Place – best of luck to all involved!

Next week promises a number of further exciting events, starting with our School’s second sponsored spin on Wednesday 22nd March. Pupils and staff will race to be the first Trib to cycle the equivalent of the Thames, racing funds for West London Mission in the process. Donations in support of our cyclists can be made here. In addition, this week’s transport disruption means we have rescheduled our Spring Concert to next Wednesday, so we look forward to hearing from our young musicians then.

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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