Mastering mindfulness

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been enjoying mindfulness masterclasses, as part of our Sixth Form’s innovative Liberal Studies programme.

Mindfulness, which has been shown to help mental wellbeing, involves paying attention to what is going on inside and outside yourself, moment by moment. By becoming more aware of the present moment, through mindfulness practices, you can enjoy the world around you more, as well as develop a better understanding of yourself.

Ms McWhirter, from our School’s Geography Department, explains: “In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to prioritise our mental health and one way to do so is through mindfulness. To support this, some of our Year 12 have been participating in mindfulness masterclasses as part of their Liberal Studies lessons. This provides a supportive and welcoming environment for our sixth formers to come together and practice mindfulness techniques, including meditation, gratitude discussions, exercise, and other relaxing activities.

“Our goal is to help our young people reduce their stress, improve their focus, and foster a greater self-awareness.”

Wetherby Senior’s Liberal Studies options help our sixth formers extend their learning beyond the A Level curriculum, building valuable skills and knowledge for future study and the workplace. Our Liberal Studies classes, which change each term, mean our boys can explore subjects linked to a university course that interests them or examine topics linked to their A Level studies and life in our Sixth Form.

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

Check out Wetherby Senior’s final issue of The Barometer for...

1. Campus
100 Marylebone Lane,
London W1U 2QU
2. Campus
Hannah House, 13-16 Manchester Street,
London W1U 4DJ
Tel: 020 7535 3530
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