Support in Syria

A Wetherby Senior sixth former has been assisting vital charitable work in one of the world’s most dangerous countries.

Year 13, Ahmed, and his family have been supporting charities working in Syria since the war began. Recently, he went on a rare trip with a guide to refugee camps on the Syrian-Lebanese border, in Akkar, to distribute food, and to teach English and maths to the children there.

Ahmed said: “Renowned for conflict between drug cartels, as well unbelievable levels of poverty, there wasn’t a moment where I wasn’t on edge. In addition, once I arrived at the camps, I had no other feelings but gratitude (for my own situation) and sympathy (for those at the camp).

“In Akkar, I found that I was looking at children, younger than myself, thanking me for the food and help. However, all I could do was apologise for the unacceptable situation that they were in. I knew they didn’t have electricity to keep their houses warm during the freezing winter and they didn’t know where their next meal would come from, whereas I would soon be sitting in London, in the comfort of my home. That peace of mind is something we all take for granted and this trip really showed me, more than anything, how lucky I am.”

Ahmed added: “An experience like that, seeing that level of poverty, makes you realise that you must seize every opportunity you have, especially in school.”

Starting more than ten years ago, as an initially peaceful uprising against a president, the Syrian conflict has turned into a full-scale civil war which has left half a million people dead, devastated cities and drawn in other countries. A number of charities, including Save the Children and the Red Cross, continue to provide vital aid and support to Syrian people and refugees.

Wetherby Senior sixth formers have been snapping around London, taking photos of what our capital city means to them.

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